

Written For Money

There are currently 491 articles in this 'Written For Money' archive, browse through them all here...

Which Home Alone child star should everyone blame if Trump is re-elected?
The Observer, 21st July 2024

The Tory gravy train’s left town – but it’s got all my best gags on board
The Observer, 14th July 2024

Time may be up for the Tories, but their legacy of lies will live on
The Observer, 16th June 2024

From mayoral elections to Rwanda removals, Sunak won’t let the truth jeopardise his mission
The Observer, 5th May 2024

Context is vital. That’s why I’m filming everything I say and do from now on
The Observer, 28th April 2024

Andrew Neil needs to be more Vorderman, less Voldemort
The Observer, 21st April 2024

I value Brummie art, but who else does?
The Observer, 14th April 2024

The right is as stale as its ‘woke National Trust scones’ gambit
The Observer, 7th April 2024

Which will melt away first, the snow or the arts?
The Observer, 24th March 2024

Cabbies have given me some great lines, but they have nothing on Frank Hester
The Observer, 17th March 2024

Jeremy Hunt’s budget mixtape is no match for Brexit’s greatest hits
The Observer, 10th March 2024

How do civilisations collapse? Ask Lee Anderson
The Observer, 3rd March 2024

We swallow Sunak’s pasty gaffe but still dine out on Miliband’s bacon butty
The Observer, 18th February 2024

The chilling soulless cruelty of Rishi Sunak is the stuff of nightmares
The Observer, 11th February 2024

Only votes from the dead can keep this zombie Tory government alive
The Observer, 4th February 2024

If the National Trust can be captured by a fake grassroots group, what public institution is safe?
The Observer, 28th January 2024

Like all supervillains, the Tories will meet their match
The Observer, 21st January 2024

What next for woke ITV after the Post Office drama? Danny Dyer v the sewage scandal?
The Observer, 14th January 2024

Where did all the government’s wine go? Expect another vintage Tory evasion
The Observer, 7th January 2024

My plan to topple the Tory dark lords in 2024
The Observer, 31st December 2023

The Bleak Midwinter Messages: a Conservative ghost story for Christmas
The Observer, 24th December 2023

Sunak has supersized his lies, from WhatsApps to Rwanda
The Observer, 17th December 2023

At £38,700 for a foreign-born spouse, how many could the Tories afford?
The Observer, 10th December 2023

Nigel Farage shouldn’t be in the jungle – get him out of there!
The Observer, 26th November 2023

I’m not sure I feel comfortable pinning a poppy to my cagoule this year
The Observer, 12th November 2023

Will the planet outlive my dying laptop?
The Observer, 5th November 2023

The Tory MP protecting Ipswich, Twix by Twix
The Observer, 29th October 2023

In search of strange and sacred sites – the UK’s weirdest walks
The Guardian, 28th October 2023

Labour’s meat tax is just another Tory lie that we’ve all been forced to swallow
The Observer, 8th October 2023

Wake up, people! GB News is after our National Trust scones
The Observer, 1st October 2023

Vote no to the thinktank pod people trying to body-snatch the National Trust
The Observer, 24th September 2023

The Tories watering down protections for polluted rivers? I smell a rat
The Observer, 3rd September 2023

As Britain drowns in filth, the Tories want more toilets
The Observer, 20th August 2023

This dying, sweary Tory government wants to drag us down with it
The Observer, 13th August 2023

Rishi Sunak – a total investment banker
The Observer, 6th August 2023