

Showing 27 results for: Basic Lee

This month’s newsletter starts with lots of politics. The new chancellor’s handling of the financial crisis grabbed all the new budget headlines, but within it were also drastic removals of wildlife and environment protections, in the name of ‘growth’, and also a return to promoting fossil fuels. The following campaigns aim to combat this so…

‘My life would be very different without the Fall’: Stewart Lee’s honest playlist - September 2022 The Guardian - By Rich Pelley - September 5th, 2022

The first song I remember hearing while on holiday with my mum in Mallorca. I remember sitting by some candles in the dark by lake, and this Spanish guitarist playing The Concierto de Aranjuez by Joaquín Rodrigo. It was only in my 20s when I was listening to Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis, which…

“Went to see Stewart Lee with my friend (who assured me he was funny) but had to leave halfway through after tolerating an hour long rant about sharks. Never again. It was painful. But ironically we laughed about it after. Literally no idea why the man is so obsessed with sharks. Complete gibberish.” – Nicola…

‘The only time I wanna see ‘big break’ and ‘Stewart Lee’ in the same sentence, will also involve his spinal column’ – Centerist Thug, Twitter WOKE SO-CALLED ‘COMEDIAN’ T-SHIRT There has never been a wokier time to own a wokely fabricated Stewart Lee ‘Woke so-called ‘comedian’’ leisure garment. Woke so-called’ ‘comedian’ ‘Stewart Lee’ says –…

DOWNLOAD ‘PRINCE ANDREW IS A SWEATY NONCE’ BY THE KUNTS BY MINDNIGHT THURSDAY JUNE 2ND FOR JUBILEE CHART NO 2 SLOT VICTORY. ‘The only time I wanna see ‘big break’ and ‘Stewart Lee’ in the same sentence, will also involve his spinal column’ – Centerist Thug, Twitter WOKE SO-CALLED ‘COMEDIAN’ T-SHIRT There has never…

‘The only time I wanna see ‘big break’ and ‘Stewart Lee’ in the same sentence, will also involve his spinal column’ – Centerist Thug, Twitter WOKE SO-CALLED ‘COMEDIAN’ T-SHIRT There has never been a wokier time to own a wokely fabricated Stewart Lee ‘Woke so-called ‘comedian’’ leisure garment. Woke so-called’ ‘comedian’ ‘Stewart Lee’ says –…

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