

Showing 53 results for: 41st Best Standup Ever!

Who’s Laughing Now? - August 2007 The Independent Arts & Books Review - August 24th, 2007

41st Best Standup Ever! ★★★★ - August 2007 The Scotsman - By Kate Copstick - August 21st, 2007

41st Best Standup Ever! ★★★★ - August 2007 The Mail On Sunday - By Mark Wareham - August 19th, 2007

41st Best Standup Ever! - August 2007 Such Small - By Julian Hunt - August 18th, 2007

41st Best Standup Ever ★★★★ - August 2007 The Evening Standard - August 15th, 2007

STEWART LEE – BIG ISSUE FRINGE DIARY #3 - August 2007 Big Issue - By Stewart Lee - August 15th, 2007

For many performers, the Fringe offers a chance to launch their career on the international stage. An example of the latter is the Australian comedian Greg Fleet, who alongside the musician Mick Moriarty, brings a show called Fleetwood Mick to The Gilded Balloon this month. Amongst those in the know, The Fleetster, as he is…

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